Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dec 7 2011

Deutsches Tag!
Jetzt, du kannst mein schlecht Deutsch sehen!!
Englisch Übersetzen:


Hello people!
Haha Today people today
Is Wednesday, December (Spanish) December seven
and today is my German Day! Where I can only German speak and no English. therefore it is really hard.
But today, I have English spoken. Woopsie!
Today was Math, Biology, Latin, and Ethics but I had no Ethics but I had that not known so I come home early. Came.
Early came.
In Latin class, we have seen a movie and that film was (German) Despicable Me.
or Despicable Me.
And it was verrrrrrrry funny.
In German AND English. But we watched it in German.
So I was early home, and then I have sleep from 1 pm until like 5 pm and then I have noodles with egg and that was tasty. And I have that eaten. And I have this video made!
And that was my day.

Maybe I will a thing today do!
haha that was very bad German.
But, on facebook, I have a... thing... recieved
from a friend
we were chatting
and.. um..
Here is that! That is English. Wahoo!
And here is a very bad translator.
Want to go out to eat?
yea! I must wait for my host... dad to back... come
When will he to house... be?
he... is... walking with the dog. I don't know, but it should not long be.
ok. When he is back, commmme here.

I am back. We have pizza eaten and How I Met Your Mother seen in the Pizzaria.

That is my day!

o o o
before I forget, Today is also Advents day number 7  and I have this little story about Köln (Cologne) and they are my advents... thing.
And this story is about the Weihnachtsmarkt!

Christmas Market
In the advent time stay for the typical christmas tradition, the christmas market. the first one was called Christkindlesmarkt and was in Nürnberger in 1697. There was hand made toys, cake, and fancy raisen bread. in the modern markets, theres childrens toys and also candy stuff and art made with hands from all over the world; christmas wine and spices particular to christmas time. the big Cologne christmarket on Roncalliplatz, the old market, new market, and on the Rudolfplatz is a middleageish market by the chocolate museum and the Schiffs christmas market is to a public attraction- and you can go to all of them by a little train that goes between them.

And there is also small picture.
Bam! That is Köln. I was in this church. There. oooo pretty!
And... He makes a thing. I don't know what.
And... This heart! You can that eat! wohooo
Ok that is my german thing.
ok. bye!